Privacy Policy
In a world full of spam and constant marketing, it’s important to feel that your contact details are fully protected whenever you supply them.
When you make contact with CLS Associates, your details are used purely for us to get back in contact with you. At no point are your details used as an excuse to market our services in the future, nor are your details passed on to any third parties.
Your contact details and any information you supply remain solidly a communication between you and us only.
Cookies are pieces of text that websites place on computers when someone has visited a website. A cookie is normally set to allow the website to remember the state of a customers shopping cart or some other information such as a particular colour scheme that a website visitor has chosen. Just like many websites, we use Google Analytics to record website visits and page views. The only cookies that will download to your computer as a result of visiting this website are related to Google Analytics. We also use an analytics package called A1WebStats, which doesn’t use cookies.

The key facts to know
Exceptional competitive rates
A personal and professional experience
What our clients say
DTP knows how to accommodate your needs from the booking through to completion of your journey.